Kosher food is a term used to describe foods that are prepared according to Jewish dietary laws. The laws were developed centuries ago to ensure that Jews would not eat non-kosher foods such as pork, shellfish, and other meats that are forbidden by the Torah. Today,...
Unprecedented Global Demand for Kosher Certification Despite Covid-19
It reads like a United Nations roll call as more and more companies throughout the world seek out kosher certification. On many kosher certifiers list are companies in the UAE, India, China, Pakistan, Netherland, Italy, France and the UK, to name but a few. In the...
A Dynamic Kosher Oasis Thrives in Texas
By Austin TX…Efrayim Broch is proud of his Kosher Store, which in this case happens to be an island of kosher offerings in the middle of a large H.E.B. supermarket in the Texas capital. Efrayim stands beneath a huge sign “Kosher Store” and a deli...
China Tariffs May Effect Kosher Market (From Kosher Today)
Shanghai…The looming trade war between the US and China shows signs of concerning the Chinese food industry, particularly in its lucrative sales of ingredients to the US. FoodPack, one of five shows last week at the Hi & Fi Asia-China, invited Rabbi Sholem...
Hurdles to Getting Food-Grade Lubricants Kosher Certified
by Saurabh Lawate and Rob Profilet (Published in Compoundings • Vol. 57 No. 10) Horror stories of unsafe food products have peppered the headlines in recent months. This is particularly true of foods produced in China, where the regulatory framework is quite loose....
Kosher Alcohol & The Brewing Process
By Rabbi Tzvi Rosen, Kashrus Kurrents This article will attempt to lead the consumer through the maze of alcoholic beverages, their original sources, their unique processes, and the various kashrus issues inherent in this fascinating and complicated industry....